Talking points: How can I create clear, consistent messages that my clients listen to?
You know those big brands that have those catchy messages? Like Nikes’ ‘Just do it’, Apples’ ‘Think differently’, or L’Oreal’s ‘Because you’re worth it’. Have you noticed that everything they do or say, every image, video, social media post talks to that message? As well as being their slogan, or tag line, they’re the main talking point of the business....
June 25, 2020Reconciling the difference between what you do and what your client wants
But what happens when what they THINK they want isn’t what they actually need? And your business provides the solution to what they actually need? If you talk the need you help them achieve you may miss out on reaching clients who think they want something else (but actually really need you!). It can sound a bit complicated, so let me break it down for you. We’ll use weight loss as an example. Many people want to lose weight. For whatever reason, weight loss is what they WANT to achieve (or...
June 11, 2020Why having a tribe is an effective, sustainable business model.
The quick story … Tribes are united around a common goal, idea, passion or plan. They are gathered together and inspired by a leader with the goal, idea or plan. Your role is to identify the goal, idea, passion or plan that your people have in common. And then to start gathering the tribe to you. Having a tribe to sell your products and services to is a more effective, more sustainable model for your health and wellness business. Here’s how to start your tribe: Identify your tribeKnow ...
June 10, 2020How to build your email list with a newsletter sign up
Just in case you’d missed it … Email lists are still a big thing for marketing your business. You know you need to be in control of your tribe, not at the whim of social media algorithms. Growing your email list is how you can be in control of communications with your tribe. As social media marketing relies on who the FB, IG, Linked In, Tik Tok … [insert trending social media here] algorithms show your post to. And advertising on these platforms gets more and more expensive. Then...
June 10, 2020Does my business really need a website?
Do I really need a website? After all, websites are expensive. The question of whether you can run a business on social media without having a website came from a question I read on a Facebook group I hang out in. The person had just been advised by her business coach that "oh no, you don't need a website". She wanted to check out what the hive mind had to say about this matter. After I finished choking on my coffee, here's what I answered ... And it turns out more and more coache...
June 10, 2020Blog categories. How to organise your blogs so they get read.
Blog categories are a way of grouping together blogs of similar topics. Having blog categories makes it easier for your tribe to find information they want. Meaning they get more value, and your great blogs don’t get lost. Over the weekend I sat down and recategorised ALL my blogs. Three years-worth of blogs. It took a while but it was well worth it. Why did I spend 7 hours on this task? Because I have a lot of blogs. And a lot of value is in those blogs. But lots of that value is getting...
June 9, 2020What is a brand message?
A brand message is the message that your business wants to communicate to your tribe. It’s a statement of purpose that ties your marketing, adverts, graphic design, website … everything, together. A clear brand message that is consistently used to guide all the ways you communicate with your tribe has a massively positive impact. They can quickly and easily understand what you do and how they can benefitThey know how your business can transform their livesThey’re not confused by tone,...
June 8, 2020A quick guide to SEO
Can Google find my website? Well, that’s what SEO is all about. Can Google find your website, and where does it come in the incredible list that Google provides as search results.Obviously number 1 spot on page 1 is the most coveted space. In this quick guide to SEO ,we’ll look at how you get there and whether it actually means anything once you’re there.Writing great SEO content is one side to Google finding you, the other is having your website and blog set up right. Okay, so first ...
June 6, 2020How often should I post blogs?
How often should I blog is one of the most common questions I get asked. And my most common answer? Depends on what you’re trying to achieve with your blog! Woah, hold up a moment. Did I just say your blog might want to be achieving something? Yes. I did. ...
June 5, 2020Create the perfect about page
We’re all looking for connection, so it’s hardly surprising that your website About page is often the second most visited page on your website. Here’s how to create the perfect about page, and help it convert more clients to your tribe....
June 3, 2020What email sequences do I need to grow my business?
As small business owners we are usually our own marketing team. And, regardless of what you might hear, email marketing is still an important tool in your marketing kit. ...
May 29, 2020StoryBrand to grow your business
We all love a good story. Billions of dollars spent on books and movies can’t be wrong. Maybe you have special memories of your family reading or telling stories to you before bed? We love a good story. Did you know that stories can also help you build your business? I tell no fairy tales (look! Unicorn!) Donald Miller, an American author created the StoryBrand framework. StoryBrand uses a 7-step framework to help businesses develop a clear business message that helps them connect with clients...
May 25, 2020How long should a blog post be?
One of the business blog questions I get asked most often is “How long should a blog be?” Yes, the length of blog posts matters. It matters for two reasons. Firstly, you want to make sure the length of a blog post is right for the person who’s reading it. Secondly, you want to make sure you’re getting maximum SEO benefit from the blog post, so the search engines pick it up and present it to people who want to read it. ...
May 22, 2020How do I create good SEO content?
What is content? Content is all the information on your website. Your essential web pages (home, about, contact), your services or product pages and your blogs. Any videos on your website or videos on your YouTube channel. Creating good content for your website needs you to keep SEO in mind if you want people to find your website by showing up (ideally on page 1) of search results. But how do you create good SEO content?...
May 19, 2020Should I have prices on my website?
One question that comes up time and time again is “Should I have prices on my website?”And for me, the answer is 99.99% of the time … YES. Indeed, you should have your prices listed on your website.Now, you can leave it at that and go put your prices on your website, but you could read on and find out WHY and more importantly HOW you should put your prices on your website. ...
May 11, 2020 Posts 51-65 of 65 | Page prev