How do I create good SEO content?

How do I create good SEO content picture

What is content? Content is all the information on your website. Your essential web pages (home, about, contact), your services or product pages and your blogs. Any videos on your website or videos on your YouTube channel.

Creating good content for your website needs you to keep SEO in mind if you want people to find your website by showing up (ideally on page 1) of search results.

But how do you create good SEO content?

​Have a goal for your SEO content

Writing content without a goal in mind is like throwing dog treats at a blindfolded dog. Not a lot will be caught. Having a goal (taking off the blindfold) means you can aim your content with laser-accuracy at helping you achieve the goal.

How to decide on your SEO goal.

Your SEO goal is actually your business goal. You see, SEO is just one way to help us achieve our business goals. You can read more about SEO and how it can help small businesses here

Your goal may be

Be specific, measured, achievable, realistic and timely.

It will not only help your SEO but your business growth too. 

Think of each webpage content as having a part in helping you achieve your goals

Now you have a goal you can make sure that everything you do in your business is channelled to help you achieve it. And that includes your website and SEO.

Think of each page on your website as having a part in helping you achieve your business goals.

Questions to ask your website page:

  • How do you help me achieve [insert goal here]?
  • What do my customers want when they arrive on this page (intent)?
  • How can I use the intent of my customers on this page to achieve my goals?
  • What do I need to do to get this page to help me achieve my goals?

How to get website pages to achieve your goals

  • Create a compelling call to action
  • Link to other pages on your site with useful information that can add value
  • Write it from your clients point of view, so they’re engaged and read on
  • Make it clear and simple to understand

Have an SEO plan for each page

Now you know what you want your page to achieve it’s time to create an SEO plan for each page.

Start by creating a Google Sheet or Excel Spreadsheet. Then make one new sheet for each website page. 

On each page have a column that shows:

  • How do you help me achieve [insert goal here]?
  • What do my customers want when they arrive on this page?
  • What keywords/phrases would people enter into the search engines when they want to find the information on this page?
  • What are similar words (synonyms) that they might search for?
  • What do you want them to do when they’ve finished on this page?

Put your SEO content plan into action

Make sure you make time to update the word on your webpage so it reflects the intent and keywords you have on your SEO Spreadsheet of Awesomeness.

Write for humans first NOT SEO algorithms. Make it clear and easy to read and understand. Keep it focused on your customer and addressing their problems and needs.

I write for humans first, and then edit my writing to make sure I’ve got the right keywords/phrases in the right places. I also use the StoryBrand framework to help tell my customers compelling stories that they can connect with. Read more about how stories can help build your business

Know your dream client!

Creating good SEO content comes from knowing your dream client. Talking to them in a way that makes them want to connect with you, and addresses their needs.

Getting super-clear on your dream client is the strong foundation every business needs to have to create a clear and effective marketing plan. But so many businesses I talk to aren’t clear about their customers and end up wasting time and money on their marketing. And creating more stress for them that they need to.

It’s time to dig deep and discover who your client really is. Get a clear idea who they are and use it to laser-target your marketing. 

Frozen at the thought of creating your own dream client profile? Let me create your own dream client profile and SEO content plan.