Create the perfect about page

We’re all looking for connection, so it’s hardly surprising that your website About page is often the second most visited page on your website. Here’s how to create the perfect about page, and help it convert more clients to your tribe.

​We do business with people.

Even with big corporations we want to see behind the scenes and get to know them, what they stand for and whether they’re people we want to do business with. Our website About Page is one of the top four pages that are on our website (alongside our Home page, Contact page and Blog page), and one that visitors to our site expect to see up there on the top tab.

Are you with me when I say many of my clients feel shy about creating their About Pages? After all, we have to talk ourselves up, and this is when imposter syndrome comes in.

Classic About Page mistakes.

  • Make it all about us (me, me, me)
  • Talk about ourselves in the third person (Katrina is….)
  • List our qualifications and run for the hills

Your About page is the perfect place for you to be a human (not just a business) and allow our tribe to get to know their guide.

So, stop thinking of your about page as ‘about you’ and instead think of it as a page ‘about’ how you can help transform your tribe.

We’re all after connections. And our about page gives us a great opportunity to connect with our tribe. When they’re handing over their health, wellness and money they want to know who they’re trusting.

Use your About Page to build connection with your audience.

Your About Page is a blend of showing your empathy with your tribe and establishing your authority

How are you going to show that you have the insight, expertise and trustworthiness to help them? You’re going to demonstrate sympathy, empathy and compassion

  • Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone’s misfortune
  • Empathy is being able to understand and share the feelings of their misfortune
  • Compassion is the feeling of sorrow accompanied by the need to do something about it

Your about page is a great opportunity to connect with your tribe using all these elements.


  • Calling out a situation for what it is
  • Telling the story of their misfortune


  • Sharing that you ‘get’ it
  • Telling the story of how you came to help them


  • Showing how you did something about it
  • Sharing the expertise you have to help them
  • Showing your qualifications

Creating the perfect about page

  • Remind them of the transformation you can bring
  • Share the successes that working with you can bring
  • Show empathy by sharing your story
  • Share what you did to change your story – your aha moment!
  • Reinforce your expertise with your qualifications, awards, ‘as seen in’, or ‘worked with’
  • Talk to your reader not at them

Keep your About Page conversational. Imagine you’re sitting down in front of them, talking with them. Use the words you’d use if you were chatting over coffee.

Contract your words (I will = I’ll. That is = that’s)

Converting sales from your About Page

  • Remind them of the plan: the actions they need to take to work with you
  • Tell them where to go next on your website (your call to action button)
  • Remember to have a call to action from your About Page
  • Show some social proof: share a testimony (if you can)

Extra conversion bonus ball

Have a video on your About Page (show and tell) of you talking your story or showing how you use your products or services. 

SEO benefits of your About Page

Google has been putting more importance on E-A-T. 

Expertise, Authoritativeness (oh, come on can’t we just say ‘Authority’?!) and Trustworthiness.

Which is the slightly more technical version of:

Know, Trust, Like (which is what our tribe takes notice of).

What it means to your website (and you) is that Google is looking at

  • Your expertise as the creator of this digital media
  • Your authority, the authority conveyed by the content and authority of the website
  • The trustworthiness of you as the creator, the content and the website

Your website About Page is a great way to increase your E-A-T.

Get your about page sorted

It's time to showcase you as the perfect guide for your tribe. Grow your business and spread your wellness message.

Check out my website packages.

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