Choosing the perfect lead magnet to grow your email list

Choosing the perfect lead magnet to grow your email list

Selling your product or service takes a series of intentional actions to make it profitable to your biz, and transform the lives of your customers. 

It doesn't take a lot to get people to listen. It just takes a clear plan. 

And the plan often starts with your lead magnet..  Your lead magnet is your value-laden freebie opt-in that you swap for a potential clients’ email address.

By offering something that solves a problem, gives value AND positions you as the expert they need, you have an incredible opportunity to allow your customers to get to KNOW, TRUST and LIKE you. 

But how do you choose the right lead magnet? One that really connects with your clients? That they can’t wait to download?

Here are some questions to help guide you to choose the perfect lead magnet to grow your email list.

How do I choose the topic of my lead magnet?

  1. Create a super-clear client profile - it will show you what they value
  2. Choose something that’s consistent with your messaging
  3. Choose a topic that naturally leads on to your paid offering
  4. Make sure you solve only one problem in your lead magnet
  5. Make sure the problem solved is one that gives good value

Here are some questions to ask yourself about your lead magnet

  • “Why would my ideal client be interested in this?”
  • “What is the one problem it solves for them?”
  • “How does this success connect with the paid package?”

Quick places to get ideas for your opt-in

  1. What’s trending in my niche? Google Trends, Pinterest, stalk
  2. competitors
  3. What is my most popular blog post?
  4. What questions do I get asked a lot?

​Some great examples of lead magnets

  • X-day challenge
  • Short webinar (30 mins max) - automated/scheduled
  • E-book
  • Checklist
  • Limited time access to a paid product
  • Interview with thought leader
  • Quiz
  • Spreadsheet or template
  • Free short course delivered via email (video/audio/workbook)

When you’ve got your lead magnet, read this blog and find out 16 Free ways to promote your lead magnet.

Want to talk about your lead magnet? Did you know I can help you choose and create the perfect lead magnet for your clients in pdf, checklist or ebook format!